How about a push-type floor scrubber

        The hand-push floor scrubber is an electric cleaning equipment suitable for different floor materials and different cleaning places. While cleaning th


  2024-05-31 02:57:44



How about a push-type floor scrubber

The hand-push floor scrubber is an electric cleaning equipment suitable for different floor materials and different cleaning places. While cleaning the floor, it sucks up the sewage and takes the sewage away from the site. The working principle is simple, easy to operate, easy to use, and has the advantages of environmental protection, energy saving, and high efficiency.

During the cleaning process, the hand-push floor scrubber can meet different cleaning needs according to the different humidity of the ground. You can also use more environmentally friendly cleaning technology according to the adhesion of the stains on the ground. Clean water and no detergent can successfully complete the cleaning of the stained ground. This cleaning technology can appropriately reduce or increase the cleaning friction according to the degree of stains on the ground. The floor scrubber is random and can clean the ground at any time without affecting other work on the ground, effectively ensuring that the machine passes by and there is no water on the ground.